
John Truba's Blog

Catch up with my musings on music and everything else in the world of Valve Amplifiers

The Beginnings

Yes folks    it's 40 years in existence  ,  albeit on a lesser scale than most  companies  ,  though having  been making  Audio / Musical  Equipment  of  one  sort or another  since about 1964  ,  the  first  "Jaytronics"  badged equipment  was made in 1981 , many pieces of gear previously  but no name applied  , when  I  think back to what  was made then  ,  it beggars  belief  ! 

 You see , in the 60's , we were all fed on a diet of  " Camms Comics "  as we refered to them  ,  namely  " Practical Wirteless "  ,  " Practical  Television "  ,  " Wireless Wor;ld "  and other monthly  publications  .  As well as repairing   Radios ,  TV's , Record Players and such like  , one  would ( on a Saturday ) visit all the Electronics surplus  stores scattered  about Greater London  ( though mainly  Central London )  and  buy up  ex Forces ( Army , Naval and  Airforce )  equipment and other electronic bits and bobs .  So gleaning info' from " Camms Comics "  and few ( rare ) books available at that time , inspired one to experiment and build away .  Mainly amps and very simple effects  for  guitarists   ,  this approach carried on for  a good few years  and then later it dawned on me  - I need a name , logo , badge    call it what you will !  .

" Jaytronics "  seemed so logical  , so from 1981  everything made was badged  " Jaytronics "  .  I shudder to think of the variety of equipment made  , anything and everything to do with Audio / Musical applications  , though never Video or Digital  , even though having worked in companies that boasted  Digital  Electronics since late  1968  up  to  1985  , it never entered my head to go that way , having been brought up in the Analogue World .

So fast forward to the present day  though with some degree of hesitance noting the strange / wierd   , days  , weeks  , months  we're all going  thru' ,   to play Gigs and Jam  with other musicians  just can't come quick enough , to put it simply ! .

Back to " Jaytronics "  during this  " Down-Time "  I've been busy with some  manufacturing of equipment for customers , some stock replacements  and of course  the  repairs  , modifications ,  servicing equipment  and  even  splitting down  a large  bass  combo  ( made  a good while back )  to  an amp head  and speaker  cab for  different purposes  .

Currently in stock  I have  combo's and amp heads from  15 watts up to 200 watts  , there is also a lovely sounding Valve Reverb unit  plus  a couple of  2 Ch. Valve  Recording Pre's   if  anyone is interested  !!!      As always  I welcome any  inquiries as to custom building for clients .

Stay safe  and  as the government  advises  ,  don't  wander off more than 500Km's   -  otherwise you'll be swimming  !!! 

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