The passing of a true legend , Chris Larkin
It was with sad sorrow that I heard of the passing of the legendary luthier / guitarist on Friday 3rd August . My deepest sympathies go out to Syra and family . I knew Chris since late 1985 when he was still playing in a band , we came to realise we had a lot in common - we both played white Gibson S.G. Custom guitars , shared a liking of Rock /Blues music , and had a motivating force to further our careers in our respective fields , he , as a luthier , myself , as a custom amp. builder / repairer new to the Kerry shore's trying to establish myself . Back then he was based in a tiny one room workshop in which his amazing " string " instruments were built . Later he had a workshop purpose built at home in Killshannig with studio space above it for Syra , who in her own right is a fabulous artist . In early '86 Chris asked me to design and build tiny Pre-amp./ EQ. boards which I used to supply him with on an ad-hoc basis , in that I could vary the spec. ( with only a phone call as opposed to a company having to re-jig tooling etc ) to suit the custom requirement of the instrument he was building at the time . This arrangement worked beautifully well for a good while and we each helped the other out with bits and pieces and kindly advice on matters guitar-wise . For it was Chris that always said to me " you must get yourself a website " and as the reader knows I've done just that . I always held and will postumously continue to hold Chris in the highest esteem , for he was a true Gentleman , a Master Craftsman and that rarest of all things , a lovely human being .
R.I.P. Chris , you will be sadly missed .
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