
John Truba's Blog

Catch up with my musings on music and everything else in the world of Valve Amplifiers

J.T. 30 Valve amps

The J.T.30 valve amps. began their life back in about 1982 (when still in London) badged under the  "JAYTRONICS" logo . Later in 1988 I was approached by a small retailer in Tralee ( who also repaired Fretted instruments)  to design and manufacture a Valve amp. chassis , which after a lot of liasing and consideration would be rated at 30 watts R.M.S. output , which we thought was a good happy medium suitable for all sorts of venues . The idea was  I'd supply amp. chassis'  and He'd supply the cabinets loaded with speakers  and retail them through his Tralee shop .  It was short lived  ,  he did a disappearing act  after only purchasing 1 (one) amp. chassis .  To recoup a potential loss  , I made cabs for both 1x12" combo's and  heads , and til the present time the 30watt design is still popular employing 4 EL84 valves in the output stage  , with of coarse varying features decided by the customer  .  A point of fact , my own "JAYTRONICS"  badged  1x12" 30watter is utterly reliable with it's original  late 70's Mullards EL84's in the o/p stage (still to this day) , how many present day valve manufacturers can boast that ? .

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